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Studies + Reports

The Happiness Report

The 2023 Busy Report shows that three out of four people are caught in a cycle of busyness, sacrificing self-care, focus, and happiness due to their chaotic schedules. Get your copy below.

The State of Workplace Busyness

Get your free copy of the “State of Workplace Busyness Report” —
an in-depth analysis of 21 habits that result in productivity, health, and energy optimization.

The Busy Barometer

This assessment was created with the hair-on-fire-busy individual in mind. Learn how your preoccupation with a your schedule affects your well-being in seven areas of your life and what you can do about it.

The Blog

Uncategorized Peggy Sullivan Uncategorized Peggy Sullivan

Stop The Stress Cycle

No one is immune to stress. Modern life is chock-full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. For many of us, stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life. 

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