Beyond Busyness

How to Achieve More by Doing Less

Discover Peggy’s personal journey from burnt-out busyness addict to leading researcher and thought leader on how to move beyond the busy treadmill so you can achieve more without the exhaustion. Along the way, you’ll learn about the Busy Busting Process, Peggy’s signature three-step process to taking control of your life, career, and schedule.

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78% of people are stuck in a hamster wheel of busyness but don’t know how to get off.

Peggy was once the same. Her tale of 30 years of burnout will show what chronic busyness can do. But it doesn’t end there. You’ll also discover her proven solution for moving beyond the treadmill: the Busy Busting Process.

Step One:
Master the Metrics

Learn how to use the Busy Barometer to identify your individual work habits and the roadblocks keeping you from mastering your life, career, and schedule.

Step Two:

Learn to create intentional acts of joy, the Happiness Rituals that push “reset” on your mindset and remind you to celebrate your life.

Step Three:
Values Vibing

The busyness trap is all about having a full schedule that doesn’t reflect what truly matters. Step 3 is designed to unlock your personal values, identify what gives you purpose, and take action to make your actions align with that purpose.