How To Be a Badass

Someone called me a badass recently. I wasn't sure if it was a compliment or an insult. I've come to realize that different people have different perceptions of what badassery is all about. For me, it's about continually seeking to become better. A badass craves knowledge and the power that comes with it. A badass is continuously training their mind, body, and spirit. A badass is unapologetic with their directness and authentically.

Lately, it takes a conscious effort to be badass. Today's events are stressful, let alone all the to-dos and general responsibility most women have these days. I say being a badass is about the courage to move forward one day at a time. Making each day count by living in the moment and optimizing every opportunity to add joy to your life. Its not about what we get done or accomplish, but rather doing your best day in and day out. From my perspective, there are 4 clear components to the art of badassery.

  1. Knowing what makes you happy and making time for it
  2. Having a growth mindset (a day without learning something is a lost opportunity
  3. Being authentic
  4. Living your values

Know what makes you happy

Are you incorporating bitesize pieces of happiness into every day, multiple times a day? We are creatures of habit. That is how our brains are wired. You can break away from your version of Groundhog Day by incorporating small and big things that bring you joy into your routine. The small things should be anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour to complete, are easily accessible, and require little resources (time or money). One of my favorite little things is taking a break and cuddling with my cat, Oliver. It is so relaxing and rewarding knowing my small act of petting him gets him purring big time. The big things are things you can look forward to and usually take more effort in cost and planning. They are the goals that you work towards. I typically try to have a simultaneously personal and professional plan all the time. I am currently focused on my book launch and doing a split as I did 45 years ago in cheerleading.

Make a point to schedule both into your planner like you would an appointment or meeting. By doing that, you will have happiness breaks every day, which will, in turn, lift your mood strategically. If not, you are really missing out on the opportunity to have fun and be more productive.

Having a growth mindset.

Every time you learn something new, your brain lights up like the fourth of July. Happiness originates in our brains. It has a biological root. When we are happy, blood flows to our brain and produces neurochemicals. These chemicals result in us feeling good, or even euphoric, and having more energy. Research has shown whether you are hooked up to an MRI or taking a blood test. When we are learning, the number of hormones or neurotransmitters increases. Numerous neurotransmitters affect happiness. Serotonin and Dopamine are the two that make us feel the most joyful. Even if you don't want that free natural high, you are standing still if you are not growing. Who the **** wants that?

Living authentically.

As I get older, I have grown into my badassery. This is a lifelong learning process. Few come into the world with a beautiful badass spirit, but I sure wish it was a mandatory class at every cycle in life. Some people can maintain their individual fire, but most learn to shrink parts of themselves to please others. Usually, around middle age, we start to put pieces of ourselves into storage to make room for popular opinion or what pleases others. We lose parts of ourselves for no good reason except to fit in or try something new. Always remember you are beautiful as is. Totally imperfect, with no makeup on, in baggy sweatpants or whatever floats your boat. If it's wearing lipstick for every Zoom, go for it, girl! If it feels good to you, it is an extension of your authentic self. The reality is: It's what is on the inside that counts. Nothing good comes from trying to live inauthentically. It's exhausting and just not worth the effort. And by the way, if being authentic means claiming your inner bitch…go for it. Bitches usually know what they want and are relentless at trying to get it. Being a bitch is not a bad thing.

Living your values.

We all aspire to be happy, healthy, and prosperous. But what is the recipe to achieve this? For me, the process that works repeatedly is knowing what I value and aligning everything in my life with those values. What do you value? Do you know the core ideals that are most meaningful in your life? Can you actually sit down and articulate them? Many people cannot, and then they wonder why life comes up short? Take the time to think about and articulate what you value. Sounds like a silly exercise but trust me, it is a fundamental step to procuring happiness. You need to know what drives you and nourishes you. If you consistently fail to have these things in your life, you will feel unsatisfied. Get to making your value list now and spend 5 minutes each day seeing if you do. Until I actually made "MY VALUE MOST LIST" and started to measure it daily and come up with a plan to self-correct. I was not spending my time in a meaningful way.

We need YOU to be badass. Instead of thinking that we have to accomplish some mega feat to achieve badassery, I'd like to propose the act of practicing the art of badassery. I hope my tips get you started. Keep in touch. How will you practice the art of badassery this year?


Peggy Sullivan is a women’s leadership speaker, mindset expert, and founder of the nonprofit organization, SheCAN!. She is also the author of the book, “Happiness is Your Responsibility”. Peggy is a strong advocate of empowering women to succeed through supporting each other. She has won numerous awards and honors, including the 2019 Woman in Leadership Award from New York State. She has presented and consulted worldwide for organizations such as Bank of America, Blue Cross BlueShield, Ingram Micro, and WomanUp Conferences. You can connect with Peggy on Instagram and LinkedIn, and purchase “Happiness is Your Responsibility” here.


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