The Big Payoff of Doing "Nothing"

If you are like me, you are hair-on-fire busy and must always be productive. The thought of unproductive downtime is frightening when your to-do list is so abundant, but you could be surprised how productive doing nothing can be. For me, it led to several worthwhile epiphanies:

  • There is no award for being jam-packed busy.

  • Being busy does not mean you are happy or even productive.

  • If as individuals, we do not claim “downtime,” others will find something for us to do.

Have you ever experienced such a spectacular day, that you feel like you could live in the moment forever?

I had a day like that recently. What made it so special was that it was totally unexpected, as I had huge intentions of having a very get-it-done type of day.  

Instead, I did NOTHING. 

It has been a busy and challenging time for me, personally and professionally. I always feel pressure to maximize my time and be productive. Getting things done gives me a huge sense of satisfaction. 

I know what you are thinking: instinctually, the thought of doing nothing is frightening. But greatness, my friends, does not happen between meetings, and these appointments usually do not produce excellence.  

In a world that has turned upside down, it is refreshing to know that I can make my own “wow” moments by doing nothing.

I realize that greatness does not happen when sandwiched between many appointments and mundane tasks. So why do we spend most of our days responding to social media, and emails, or are in meetings? If the good stuff does not happen when in between, it makes sense to do more of NOTHING.  

When you let your mind wander and relax, you live in the present. You can also start to dream, which is where big ideas come from! So, why don’t we make more time for the good stuff?  

If you want to start living a more mindful, thriving life, schedule NOTHING into your calendar, and keep these things in mind:

  • Calendar zero can be as little as 4 hours a month.

  • Big ideas do not come in between meetings.

  • All batteries need to be recharged at one point or another!

Schedule it onto your calendar—a big fat morning of zilch.

In fact, I double dare you to do it once every couple of weeks! I guarantee you will feel glorious and refreshed when you do, decadent and strategic. Yes. Strategic! Because when you are well-rested, you will be more prepared for whatever comes your way.


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