Peggy's second book, Beyond Busyness is available now!

Peggy's second book, Beyond Busyness is available now!

Peggy's second book, Beyond Busyness is available now! Peggy's second book, Beyond Busyness is available now!

Achieve More
by Doing Less

Break free from the busyness trap

Our hustle society has us caught in a cycle of busyness, a "Hamster Wheel" we can’t seem to get off. Peggy’s Busy Busting Process puts you back in control and lets you focus on what really matters: happiness, wellness, and next-level success.


[of Americans]
had feelings
of burnout


[of Americans]
find self-care to
be a challenge


[of Americans]
are just doing


[of Americans]
find their to-do list

Data shows we aren’t as productive, healthy or satisfied as we deserve to be.

Current research from The 2023 Busy Report shows that three out of four people are caught in a cycle of busyness, saying they sacrifice self-care, struggle to focus, and feel unhappy due to their chaotic schedules.

Meanwhile, this busyness turns workplaces into environments where people are frustrated, burnt out, and achieving below their potential.

So why do we still think “busy” is best? It’s time get off the hamster wheel?

Hi, I’m Peggy. I’m a recovering busyness addict.

I used to wear my packed schedule like a badge of honor. My always-on lifestyle led me in every direction but the one I truly wanted to follow. I wasn't healthy, happy or focused on what's important.

I had lots of wakeup calls, but none of them worked:

  • I destroyed my marriage.

  • I totaled my car.

  • I super-glued my hands together.

  • I accidentally ate cat food, mistaking it for a bowl of pistachios.

I was in a total burned-out haze. Eventually, my busyness put me in the hospital with cardiac arrest.

Today, I’m a keynote speaker, researcher and expert on the way our culture of busyness and endless hustle isn’t just harmful to our wellbeing, but also limits what we’re capable of achieving.

Peggy has been chosen as a top Public Speaking Coach by the

Through my decades of research, I’ve discovered a simple, yet powerful truth: When we do less, we become more.

Now, I’m on a mission to help individuals and businesses move above the damaging false belief that “busy” always equates to success. With my help, people and organizations are unlocking peak performance, improving self-care, and finding true happiness, without sacrificing one for the other.

But I’m not finished yet — not until hustle culture becomes happiness culture, and we all learn to choose meaning over mayhem in our lives and careers.

Peggy Sullivan Eradicates Busyness, Amplifies Happiness, and Drives Results for Global Organizations

Beyond Busyness: Achieve More by Doing Less

Leverage the power of Peggy’s three steps, Busy Busting Process to achieve more by doing less.

Book Release: January 21st, 2024

Happiness is Your Responsibility

Humor, inspiration, and straight-up truth collide in Happiness is Your Responsibility, Peggy’s playbook for taking ownership over your life and personal happiness.

Peggy’s message covers a range of subjects from breaking free from busyness to the science of personal happiness.

See what audiences and clients are saying about Peggy’s transformative message.

Ready to book Peggy for your event? Now’s the time to make a change.